Charleston, SC // Shiloh Maternity

Shiloh is my baby sister that we begged our parents to give us. At 7 years younger, she was our little doll baby… I changed her diapers and cuddled her and pinched her chunky little baby cheeks and we held her hands teaching her to walk. As we got older, I’d drive her to school letting her memorize every lyric to every song on the Nelly soundtrack that never left my Jeep’s CD player (she was in elementary school, oops!)

It’s such a crazy thing to see her married now and expecting her own first little baby…she’s going to be such a good mama and we’re all so excited to meet our new sweet little girl.

She lives in Charleston, SC so of course I wanted to shoot film all around the historical district because it just calls for the grainy creamy perfect imperfection that film offers.

Fuji400H + Portra800 shot on Contax 645. Processed by TheFindLab.

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