Reeve // 8 Months Old

This girl is my whole heart....I can't believe how fast she is growing up. Honestly, after years of photographing adorable babies on the beach, you'd think I would be less of a slacker about getting this girl down to the sand for her own portraits but I've mostly taken her photos at home so far. Today, LA had a spell of what we like to refer to as "Jan Tan" which is a January heat wave that I religiously believe means that I have to put my editing and emails on the back burner for a few hours to hit the beach before the cool temps come back so since Reeve also turned 8 months old today I figured it was kismet and we spent the day at the beach with a friend and her baby taking her 8 month portraits!

I've been waiting to take this exact photo since the day we found out we were pregnant with a little Cali baby!

I've been waiting to take this exact photo since the day we found out we were pregnant with a little Cali baby!

This girl is now army crawling, sitting herself up from the floor, waving and clapping when we sing "If You're Happy and You Know It" (and all of that literally started in the last week!) She has her two bottom teeth just barely popping through. She is loving food and is really surprising us with her ability to chew up food without choking! (We are doing the BLW method and she's been doing so GREAT!) Some of her current favorites include chicken, broccoli, clementines (pictured below!), puffs, asparagus, yogurt, peanut butter, pasta, and basically anything that we're eating! She LOVES going to music "crass" where she rolls around on the ground with her friends shaking maracas and banging on tambourines. She's starting to lengthen out and loose some of her belly chub but she still has those awesome "power station" thighs and chunky hiney cheeks that we adore so much. I knew I had to get a few nakey beach photos before she got too old or lost too much of her chunkiness! 

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